Sunday, February 17, 2013

Glazing, glazing, glazing

10am until 3:30pm today, this was my world. Glazing stones! Each one is painted with two to five different glazes, one at a time. Bracelet sized stones are not too bad, but doing earring stones, which are small, is a bit tedious. Three shelves are now in the kiln firing.

Tomorrow morning I hope I will find wonderful results, and I will post an after shot! Though I am amazed that they way the elements are popping out of their channels and hanging that it keeps on going. I bought back ups because about 4 firings ago I was sure something would go amiss. It is now at 1415 degrees, and I hope I haven't jinxed it by noting it!

I hope you are having a relaxing Sunday!

1 comment:

Laurie said...

It's interesting to see this part of your creating. Don't know much about kilns, but hope it all went well.