Still here and making things! This is a teapot made by Pam Owens I did the lid and handle. Tea Time magazine was here on Tuesday and photographed lots of teapots for an article in 2011.
I have been busy at work and also working on computers. I lost my hard drive on my main computer so I am sporting a new laptop which I am loving!
The Grovewood Gallery in Asheville is going to be carrying my work again, so if in Ashveille look for it after mid-June. I am very pleased to be represented by them again.
Free Hand Gallery in Los Angeles is owned by Carol Sauvion, the producer of the Craft in America series that I wrote about last fall. They will also be carrying my work starting in June. So if on either coast please stop in their galleries. In Dallas you can visit Carlyn Galerie.
Next show scheduled is the Mint Museum's Potters Invitational on September 11th.
Looks like I'll have a busy summer getting things ready for all these! And if you are near Seagrove, stop in at Jugtown and say hi!