Admission $10 ($8 after 2 p.m.)
Read the article in Carolina Arts Unleashed. Tom Starland always does a great job promoting the arts!
Participating potters for this year’s PMI include: Blaine Avery, Michael Ball, Tammy Leigh Brooks, Kyle Carpenter, Donna Craven, Jeff Dean, Stephanie Martin, Judith Duff, Kim Ellington, Steven Forbes de-Soule, Terry Gess, Bruce Gholson, Samantha Henneke, Becky Gray, Shawn Ireland, Nick Joerling, Daniel Johnston, Fred Johnston, Carol Gentithes, Maggie & Freeman Jones, Matt Jones, Matt Kelleher, Shoko Teruyama, Crystal King, Terry & Anna King, Eric Knoche, Sid Luck, Robin, Rob, Beth Mangum, Will McCanless, Phil Morgan, Ben Owen lll, Pam, Vernon, Travis Owen, Jennie L. Keats, Shirl & Jim Parmentier, Jane Peiser, Ronan Kyle Peterson, John & Scottie Post, Rob Pulleyn, Amy Sanders, Akira Satake, Ken & Connie Sedberry, Jenny Lou Sherburne, David Stuempfle, Hiroshi Sueyoshi, and Liz Zlot Summerfield
We hope we'll see you there, it is a fantastic show with top artists and a huge variety of beautiful pieces to take home.