The Celebration of Seagrove Potters was a success! I tried to speak to as many of the potters as I could, as did others on the Steering Committee. Everyone seemed to have a very good show. It takes so much work to put on a show of this caliber and there is a group of people that are dedicated to it and put in so very many hours for weeks and months prior to the event.

Pam in the Jugtown booth, we share a 30' space.

My booth, you can't see Wes but he is talking to Tommy Edwards on the left. I don't know how I ever did shows by myself. Wes is a great salesman, body guard and husband, and not in that order!
Bonnie Burns,
Great White Oak Gallery, is the Volunteer Chair and coordinates all the wonderful volunteers. We have a huge number of people that come to help us and it would not be possible without them.

Mary Holmes, wife of potter
Michael Mahan coordinates all of the infrastructure and legalities that need dealing with. She definitely has her hands full.
Ben Owen the Chair of the Event is here.

Unfortunately my camera card had an error after taking lots of photos and Ben was in that group. Samantha Henneke came to the rescue with a new card for me to try, and so luckily I was able to get a lot more photos.
Susan and Tim Greene. Susan and I Co-chair the Publicity and Marketing. Susan works close to full time on this event making certain that all details are covered.
Anna King and Fred and Carol of
Johnston & Gentithes
Ed, Samantha and Gloria Henneke,
Bulldog Pottery
We had 600 people at the Gala on Friday night

The crowd was a buying crowd for sure.
Our food vendors on Saturday and Sunday were great-it is so nice to have a selection of food, including a vegetarian option!

And a handsome group of very talented potters:
Blaine Avery,
Avery Pottery and Tileworks, Jeffrey Dean,
Dean & Martin Pottery, Chad Brown, Chad Brown Pottery

Here is a link to more photos of the COSP 2009. Stayed tuned for an even better COSP 2010!!! And if you would like to help out, let us know. We need lots more people helping us to plan the event.