I got my o

rder of seeds from Peaceful Valley last week! Even though we have quite a few seeds in the garage, I couldn't hold back on the ordering. I bought some different lettuces, Tatsoi, another chard, beets, carrots, eggplants, tomatoes....
The jasmine

has started it's flowering, right on schedule out in the sunroom and it's beautiful scent inspired me to start the plantings. So far I have Italian eggplants, Sweet Red Bell Peppers, Brandywines, Amish Pastes, Jalapenos and Nardello peppers planted.

We had such a wonderful success with the red peppers last year that I have enough seeds to fill a field, so we will be doing a heavy planting of them this year. I am going to try to start some leeks soon too. I think we will be sowing some seeds outside utilizing the tunnel that the lettuce is in. It is doing great, and the arugula and broccoli are looking good too! We may have enough broccoliettes to have dinner for two!
And we have a big bunch of this stuff. It comes up each year when the cilantro starts its winter push, and seems to masquerade as cilantro.( When I first saw it, I thought it was cilantro.) Can anyone tell me what it is??

And I am back at the bench making jewelry! I've had several orders to fill and hope to soon have some new items to show here. The first show of the year will be in April in Norwood, NC. I will be at the International Horse Trials at a beautiful horse farm, b&b. More on that soon!

I've opted not to do the Catawba Valley Show for the first time in 10 years and I think this show will be an excellent replacement.