Wes and I got back from a quick trip to Savannah! We were going to meet a friend who had to cancel so we decided to go anyway. Sat we stopped in Beaufort, SC for lunch and then went on to Tybee Island for the night. Of course it was overcast but not rainy, and Sat was cool. Good thing we brought some sweaters!
What we didn't know was that St. Patrick's Day was so big in the Savannah area. The second largest celebration in the country, as a matter of fact!

All the fountains in Savannah were green. Everyone was wearing green and all the bars were wide open. From Friday till St. Pat's Day you can buy a drink and take it with you. Felt like we went to New Orleans! People are really into it down there. We got to Tybee during the parade so it took forever to get to our inn. We were greeted by the inn owner and he treated us to a glass of wine while the parade ended up (highlight: the Budweiser horses). We had a great dinner at Sundae Cafe. It looks like a dive in a shopping center but the food was fabulous!
Sunday was a beautiful day in the high 70's, just slightly c

loudy. No need for sweaters today! Our room looked over the river and River Street, but was far

enough away that we had no noise! Plus it was the peak of azaela season. I wish I would have taken some photos driving down Victory Drive-beautiful homes and flowers!
We had a great brunch on the River, wandered around town and the squares. Dinner was at Vic's on the River. Again another great meal! Giant scallops with an adouille risotto and oysters Rockefeller as an app-yummy!
We love vacationing! Monday we took our time driving back. Spent the morning buying things in Savannah, then stopped in Waltersboro at the antique shops and artisan center. Even though it was only 3 days, it was a great get away.
So Happy St. Pat's Day and if you are really into it, book your room in Savannah now for next year!