Who would have thought??? If you know Wes, then you understand this!!!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Funky Jewelry

I had a request to make a funky set of jewelry . So I went to the bench and looked at all the stones, including some that were tests for my learning experience. I've been wanting to do something different and out of the ordinary. I think this will turn into a series for 2009. I plan to have my sketch pad out and active over the holidays and have a few other ideas that I want to get on paper.
Now that I have my new work area for clay in the garage and my slab roller I am ready to try some new stuff! What a difference a nice little work space makes. I used to have to keep everything in boxes in the closet (clay, glazes, bisqued stones, etc) then pull them out and work on a folding table in the den. I hope this new found space will improve my creativity!
JLK Jewelry studio will be closing on Friday till after the New Year, but as always I will be checking email, and work is available at Jugtown and many other galleries aroun the state!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Busy Weekend
Nancy invited us to stay for kimchi stew with Karen and Dan. It was great and good for the bad cold I have been carrying around with me. Why don't I have my camera when I need it?!
This is the busiest time of the year for many of us. I have several orders for holiday gifts and am grateful for all of them! So thank you my loyal patrons! And I hope to post something fun here soon!!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Jugtown Holiday Kiln Opening

Tomorrow morning, bright and early! The shop opens at 8:30, but the museum opens around 7-7:30 with hot coffee and snacks. Come early to get your number. There was some great stuff coming out the wood fired kiln this morning!
Red Fox Pin

Lots of other openings this weekend in Seagrove: David Steumpfle, Daniel Johnston, Thomas Pottery, Westmoore Pottery!
Tis the season to get your orders in!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Celebration of Seagrove Potters Exceeds All Expectations
The Celebration press release that I sent out this morning. Hopefully it will get picked up!!
Booths were open for sales, the jazz band entertained, White Rabbit catering provided a delectable buffet and guests enjoyed sodas, wine and beer. Coordinated by volunteer Nan Revel of Asheboro, the event was festive and enjoyable. At 8:00 PM the collaborative auction began with the Jugtown collaborative piece bringing in the top amount at over $1000. Several other pieces, such as the Ben Owen/Michael Mahan piece signed by participating artists and a teapot by Pam Owens and Jennie Lorette Keatts also brought very high amounts. Bidding was competitive and friendly, sales at the booths were good. Paul Ray of Ray Pottery stated “Sheila and I have been doing around 20 shows per year for the last 7 years. Many of them have a gala or preview night. The Celebration Of Seagrove Potters gala was, by far, the classiest we've seen. The food, band, and especially the pots were all superior! The gala was a good indicator of the rest of the weekend, great! It gave us a great sense of pride in our community to see how we were able to come together and work for a common cause.” A sentiment held by many!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Celebration and Sadness

The Celebration was very successful and I am so sorry for Chris and Lisa that this had to happen. If you don't know them, please try to meet them sometime, you will be delighted. They are both kind, gentle and fun people, very special. And look for Chris's pots, because they really are nice.
Our Celebration was well attended, 5000 in a first year just "ain't bad"! We worked on a small budget but thought things out, stayed positive and optimistic, spent lots and lots of time on things, developed new friendships and many people worked together. Because this is a community that cares about its fellow artists, thinks of each other as friends and family, and wants to see each and every one of them succeed as business/artist/friends/partners, not as competition or taking business away from "us or me". It has been a great time of making new friends and relationships and getting to really know people and what they think and how they operate. How a community needs to operate, the good for the whole, not selfishness and just one business thinking only what is best for them. I, for one, have learned a lot about many people and made a lot of new friends. This has been all about unity and working together, not about competition and who can take business from who. So don't listen to the small amounts of negativity you may hear or read about, because it "just ain't true"!! The majority of Seagrove potters and clayworkers "have each others back", as Wes says. In the end, I believe, it was a win-win for all because now this community is more united than ever before. And I believe that the majority of shops feel that way too.
I think this event showed that that is exactly what this is about. This afternoon I even thought, well maybe I will go for Publicity again (BUT ONLY if my sort of New now, Good friend Susan and I are in it together, because we both think we make a good team and we sure can have some good fun together!! Ain't that right you classy broad!)
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Celebration Success!

We were thrilled with the turn out! Over 425 at the Gala on Friday night, over 4000 visitors came through the door on Sat. People had many bags in hand, compliments were readily available about our hard work, (and were certainly appreciated). It was a long day, and Susan and Tim, and Wes and I didn't leave till after 7:30 when counting etc was done, at least I hope she was right on my heels.
I guess we did something right!!!
We wanted to keep on going but the day got the best of us and quiet home time prevailed for the rest of the evening!

Friday, November 21, 2008
Today is the Day!
The Gala is tonight for the Celebration of Seagrove Potters. Set up was last night and booths are stocked and many kilns were still cooling. I'm off to work to try to make a few last minute items myself before heading up to help set up for the Gala.
Please check out http://bulldogpottery.blogspot.com/. Samantha is doing a great job with photo documentary there.
I hope we'll see you sometime this weekend!!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
The Details on the Celebration
Friday, November 21
6:30 PM TO 9:00 PM Gala Preview
$35 - yes you can still purchase tickets thanks to our flexible caterer!!
Meet the artists and enjoy the opening night festivities of this fabulous new festival as you and your friends have the first opportunity to browse and purchase from the thousands of pieces, sip a favorite beverage and enjoy hors d’oeuvres, while enjoying the music of jazz band Lost Marbles. In addition, attendees will have the opportunity to preview a select collection of one of a kind collaborative pieces. This is a first time venture, teaming Seagrove artists, to produce highly collectable one of a kind pieces. These pieces will be auctioned at 8: PM on Friday evening! Dress is casual.
Saturday, November 22
9:00 AM to 6:00 PM
$5 admission at the door
Fundraising auction will be held at 4:00 PM
Sunday, November 23
10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
$5 admission at the door
9:45-10:30 Charlie Riggs
10:30-11:15 Sid Luck: Sharing early Seagrove pottery
history and families.
11:15-12:00 Mike Mahan
12:00-12:45 Terry Zug:
A talk on the significance of
preserve jars.
12:45-1:30 Eck McCanless
1:30-2:15 Jarod Zehmer
2:15-3:00 Pam Owens: A discussion of Early Jugtown
3:00-3:45 David Stuempfle
4:00-6:00 Auction
An exciting auction of collectable pieces contributed by the inaugural Celebration of Seagrove Potters
10:00-10:45 Craig Kovack
10:45-11:30 Jeffrey Dean
11:30-12:15 Randy James
12:15-1:00 Linda Carnes: McNaughton
A talk on the history of “cultured
cabbage” and stoneware jars.
1:00-1:45 Ben Owen
1:45-2:30 David Fernandez
2:30-3:15 Ray Owen: A discussion of Ray Auman and
the Auman Pottery.
3:15-4:00 Chris Luther
There will be a variety of food from Barbeque to Thai Food, including nachos and quesas, Phillly Cheese steaks, sausage, brawurst, burgers, biscuits and bagels and a variety of specialty beverages.
Kids Only Area where kids can try their hand with clay and a booth with Kid-priced clay objects for them to buy.
Indoor restrooms, door prizes and much more.
The Celebration of Seagrove Potters will be held indoors at the historic Luck's Cannery on Pottery Highway 705. Located 1/2 mile south of the stop light in Seagrove, at Highway 220 and Highway 705 on the right hand side. There is ample off road parking around the buildings. The Celebration is being held in the building towards the back of the plant.
FROM CHARLOTTE: Take 49 to Asheboro and connect with 220 South to Seagrove. Exit 45 is the Seagrove exit, go left at the end of the off ramp. This becomes Highway 705, go to the stop light, straight through and Luck's is 1/2 mile down on the right.
FROM GREENSBORO: Take 220 South to Seagrove. Exit 45 is the Seagrove exit, go left at the end of the off ramp. This becomes Highway 705, go to the stop light, straight through and Luck's is 1/2 mile down on the right.
FROM RALEIGH: Take 64 west to Asheboro. ake 220 South to Seagrove. Exit 45 is the Seagrove exit, go left at the end of the off ramp. This becomes Highway 705, go to the stop light, straight through and Luck's is 1/2 mile down on the right.
FROM PITTSBORO: Go around the Court house in Pittsboro and follow the signs for 902, get on 902. (902 is a long winding road approximately 25 miles, just keep going straight). After crossing Highway 22/42, the road turns to Jerry Frye Road (also called Short Cut Road) and dead ends into Howard Mill Road.Turn left and follow Howards Mill Rd to Highway 705. Turn right (north) on 705 and go (9) miles to Luck's on your left.
FROM PINEHURST: Take Highway 211 north to Highway 705. Follow 705 towards Seagrove. Luck's Cannery will be on your left just before entering the town of Seagrove.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Musings, things we discard

I found a piece of sterling onto which I had fused some copper and then tossed it away as unusable some time ago. Monday it reappeared and I saw it in an entirely different light. Funny how those things happen, something different can seem so important that you easily discard one thing, when it really was something you should have worked on. Happens with all kinds of situations, doesn't it, what is important and what isn't. What to discard and what to hold onto in life. Interesting choices.

Thursday, November 6, 2008
Making jewelry

This means that I am finally making some jewelry! I still have to do my half of another collaboration and my auction piece, but today I have the day off from COSP!! Tomorrow I'll escort the UNC TV videographer along with Susan, for the piece they are doing on the Celebration. Stay tuned to UNC TV for our sponsorships and spots!
Can't wait to have time to try all the new ideas I have brewing! And to really load up my kiln and try some new combos!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Fall In Seagrove, Celebration is in the Air!!!

We are in the final weeks before the Celebration of Seagrove Potters. You may read all kinds of things about the potters participating in this event, however as they say in the corporate world, numbers speak! Over 70% of the potters that live in Seagrove are participating in this event to preserve and showcase work made in the community of Seagrove. This is an opportunity to see the majority of artists under on ROOF (indoors!!), working together to protect the heritage of Seagrove. The flyer lists all the participating shops and studios, and all of these people have been working together, meeting and formulating ideas about their festival. Everyone has a chance to voice their opinion and have it considered!
Phil Morgan was quoted in the Courier-Tribune saying two festivals will be great for Seagrove. I am unfamiliar with many of the names that are exhibiting at the other festival, but I know for sure that you will find what you are looking for at the Celebration.
I hope you'll attend the Gala and go home with one of the many one-of-a-kind collaborative pieces. Visit www.CelebrationOfSeagrovePotters.com to view these pieces, buy your tickets and get more information.
Now I better get to work on my collaborative piece with Sandi Barden!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
October 24

Yesterday was a big day for us, following a LOT of changes and events so far this year. Pam and Vernon drove us to Carthage to have the magistrate marry us in front of the library. It was really nice! We stopped off for coffee, and then wine with Pam.

The new island is an excellent gathering spot. Our friend Patti had a beautiful wedding cake sent to us. It was delicious and such a nice surprise. It was a great evening!

Now to get back to jewelry and enjoying our home! Thanks everyone!!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Excitement at Jugtown!
I'm back in the studio working on pins and realizing that I have very little inventory and will have to work like mad to build up stock for the Celebration. Monday I'll get back at it full steam. Tomorrow Wes and I are getting married! The house is almost all done, just little projects and a LOT of cleaning! so lif is very exciting these days, and not just at Jugtown!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Life is Getting Normal Again, sort of....

I am back at work trying to get the orders filled so that I can create some inventory for Jugtown and the upcoming Celebration of Seagrove Potters. I will be making some jewelry for a pottery bust that Sandi Barden created for the collaborative auction. Pam and I also donated one of the teapots that we collaborate on. Pam made the teapot (obviously) and it is glazed in cobalt with copper. I made the sterling handle and lid. The lid is hand stamped and I added one of my birds as the topper.
There will be quite a few collaborative pieces in the auction on Friday night during the Gala and will be a great time to pick up some never to be done again pieces! Also it will give you first chance at shopping the booths and finding great pieces before we open to the general public on Saturday morning.
Benjamin and Bonnie Burns gave us this beautiful
So now I have to stay focused on work, and on the work for the COSP and do the house stuff at night! This is the beginning of the busy season, and I hope it will be busy for all of us here in Seagrove!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Jewelry Soon??
Between the building and Publicity Committee for the Celebration of Seagrove Potters I am staying too busy. Don't forget about the Gala Preview Party on Friday, November 21st. It will be a great opportunity to mingle with the artists while enjoying delicious hors d'oeuvres and beverages. At 8pm is the collaborative pieces auction, a first in Seagrove and we hope there will be lots of exciting pieces up for auction. Pam and I donated a teapot in cobalt with copper red, a sterling handle and lid with a cobalt bird made by me. Photo soon I hope! I plan to have lots of new items at the Celebration and look forward to seeing everyone there.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Celebration of Seagrove Potters

I am not a good blogger yet! Too much going on in life these days. I am Co-Chair with Susan Greene of the Publicity Committee Celebration of Seagrove Potters in November. This takes a lot of time and we are hoping to attract a lot of people to the festival November 21-23. Here is a release we sent out detailing the info.
This new effort has brought many of the area artists together as we plan to celebrate all the wonderful varieties of work made in clay in Seagrove. The Gala on Friday will be a great event with a jazz band, preview shopping and auction and more! Between this and the house, I hope I can get some jewelry made!
I'll have a new work area with my kiln and am working on ideas for a new selection of items, some in a more modest price range and hopefully a new line that is not even jewelry but incorporates metal and clay in another way! It is something I've been thinking about and with great information provided to me by Laura Dahl ( a great jeweler and creator of many things beautiful) and having space to work in, I'm ready to get moving on it. Just have to wait for the house to be done and get the final inspection, maybe in another week!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Things are moving along, we have made a lot of progress but it is difficult living in a construction zone. I have had to cook outside (with no lights) on the grill since June. We do dishes in the bathtub and there is a strainer on the sink in the bathroom. But, Robert is installing the cabinet bases, and the granite man is doing the template tomorrow and the electricians are installing light fixtures today, so we are going forward and there is a light at the end of the tunnel (and at the front door now!!)
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Fund Raiser for NC Pottery Center

There will be a fundraising auction for the North Carolina Pottery Center on September 28, at 2:00 pm, Sunday afternoon. A group of dedicated collectors have donated pottery from their collections featuring Catawba Vallery, eastern Piedmont salt glaze and the collection donated by Dr. Everette James of Art Ware pottery.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008
I have wanted to start a blog for quite sometime now! Now is and isn't the best time, we are in the middle of a huge construction project, so I decide this is a good place to post our photos for anyone that wants to follow along!
The small part of the house is the original house and the "barn" like structure added on is the new addition with a two car garage.